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Hi.  This is a blog about my interests, mainly Ohio State and Cleveland sports, with a little of Nationals baseball thrown in there.  My first love is college football, betting on college football and uniforms, so is a lot of that as well.

Since I have a full time job and a full time family, I don't get to banter about sports and other nonsense with my friends every night.  This is my way of doing that.  These are just my thoughts about topics that come to mind, mainly about sports.
I have been thinking about writing about sports for a few years now and one day just started doing it.  I am just getting the hang of it, adding photos, links and videos.  Maybe this will take off, maybe it won't.  These are solely my opinions and youtube is the best thing ever. 

Social social: I'm on facebook, twitter (@jamiedupler) and my youtube (jdupes316).

I have also created a tumblr for my daughter, kind of an online picture album, which is kind of psycho parent, but it's better for me than to keep 10,000 photos on my phone.  Anyway, you can find it here.  Her name is Ella, she is the baby I am holding at the top of the page, and I love her with everything in my soul.

Keeping it personal, I work at the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) in downtown Columbus, graduated from Ohio State (2002-07) and have not lived outside of I-270 (nor will I ever).  I coached middle school football for 7 years, one JV high school football team for Upper Arlington, and spent 3 seasons as the JV baseball coach at Hilliard Bradley High School.  My future plans include to continue my pursuit of attaining a teaching certificate for middle school math/history and get back into yelling coaching.

A few fun facts: Craig James sucks and Bo Jackson is the best athlete of my time, next to Prime.  I have also watched every WWF PPV from 1995-2000.

If you like, comment.  If you hate, comment.  Don't take life too seriously, you'll never make it out alive.

If you have any questions, this pretty much sums me up.

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